Professional Development Hours

You can earn up to 11.25 professional development units (PDUs) for the live sessions of the 2020 University of Maryland Project Management Symposium.  If you attend all the live sessions plus watch all the recorded sessions, you could earn up to 44.25 PDUs.

How the PDUs are calculated for the live Sessions:


May 7, 2020

May 8, 2020

Morning Featured Speaker



Morning Sessions



Afternoon Featured Speaker



Afternoon Sessions



Daily Totals

6.0 5.25

11.25 PDUs for live Sessions

How the PDUs are calculated for the recorded Sessions:

May 7, 2020

May 8, 2020

Morning Sessions

4 tracks +
3 Sessions (12 sessions total @ .75 PDUs each) = 9 PDUs

4 tracks +
3 Sessions (12 sessions total @ .75 PDUs each) = 9 PDUs

Afternoon Sessions

4 tracks +
3 Sessions (12 sessions total @ .75 PDUs each) = 9 PDUs

4 tracks + 2 Sessions (8 sessions total @ .75 PDUs each) = 6 PDUs

Daily Totals

18.0 15.0

33 PDUs for Recorded Sessions


How to Claim Your PDUs:

To report PDHs, visit this URL :

You will need to login.

Next you will click on “PDUs” on the navigation menu, then select “Report PDUs”.

Potential activities in which you participated are categorized by Education or Giving Back (in two columns).

LIVE Portion of Symposium

For the live portion of the 2020 Project Management Symposium, select the “Course or Training” button under the Education Category.












The information to enter is:

Provider: University of Maryland Project Management Center for Excellence

Course: 2020 Project Management Symposium

Date Started: May 7, 2020

Date Completed:  May 8, 2020


PDUs Claimed: You will need to allocate the PDUs between Technical, Leadership and Strategic for a total number of PDUs.  The allocation between them would depend on which sessions you attended.  Each session identifies which skill it addresses.  If you were there for both days of the live event you would have a total of 11.25 PDUs.  For Thursday you would receive 6.0 PDUs and Friday 5.25 PDUs.

Recorded Sessions portion of the Project Management Symposium

For the recorded sessions portion of the 2020 Project Management Symposium, select the “Online or Digital Media” button under the Education Category.



The information to enter is:

Provider: University of Maryland Project Management Center for Excellence

Title: 2020 Project Management Symposium Recorded Sessions

Date Started: Enter the data needed

Date Completed:  Enter the data needed


PDUs Claimed: You will need to allocate the PDUs between Technical, Leadership and Strategic for a total number of PDUs.  The allocation between them would depend on which sessions you watched.  Each session identifies which skill it addresses.  Each recorded session is worth 0.75 PDUs.  You will need to calculate your PDUs based on the number of sessions you viewed.  For the recorded sessions, you can have a total of 33 PDUs.

Please be sure to click the button right before submit that says, “I agree this claim is accurate.”

Once you hit the “Submit” button you will receive a claim ID number.