Designing and Evaluating Simulation Games For Professional Project Management Education

10:55 am -11:25 am

Friday, May 13, 2016

Benjamin Baniker, room #2212

Paper Title:

Designing and Evaluating Simulation Games For Professional Project Management Education


Experiential learning makes simulation as a good pedagogical tool for working professionals. Success of project management training depends on factors such as the right blend of simulation and theory, concept and content of the simulation, link between the simulation and professional activities etc. Paper proposes a simple model representing links of the simulation with other relevant elements of professional training. The model has been tested in the specific case of project management education. PM Trainings were conducted using simulation tool and participant’s responses were received. The qualitative responses of participants were processed using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the findings are presented in the paper. The study identified three significant characteristics of simulation game namely Reality, Relevance & Reliability that are to be given due consideration while designing simulation based project management pedagogical practice.


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