Paper (37): Customer Centric Project Management: Engage the Customer, but don’t disengage the Project Manager.
Abstract: Customer Centric Requirements Management (CCRM) is the continuous re-examination, evolution and definition of the stakeholders’ business requirements and the technology project’s mandate and deliverables based on the organizational strategy, business processes, capacity, and people. It is to produce deliverables that create value for the corporation and emphasize the value of IT professionals. Defining requirement is a critical activity. CCRM is engaging the project customer throughout the project development lifecycle. It focuses less on the time, established schedules or the cost to deliver and more on creating corporate business value. CCRM is a cultural shift from how we deliver to what we deliver. But this also extends to respecting how PMs manage their projects, accountability of the customer, involvement of senior executives and the business analyst.
Lessons to Learn:
- Projects are not developed to be on time, within budget and to deliver functionality as initially estimated and elaborated in the business requirements document;
- Customers and Business Analyst (BA) engaged during system development to refine business requirements and in turn final project deliverables, improves results.
- CCRM is a cultural shift from prioritizing how we deliver to what we deliver; and
- Project Management is not for a committee, and consensus on the methodology is optional.
Intended Audience Business program Directors, Business Analysts, Senior Project Managers, Executives
Biography: Charles Villanyi Bokor is a Strategic Management Consultant focused on Leading to Better Decisions. Principal activities include Business Transformation, Problem Project Recovery & Leadership, Strategic Planning. Charles works mostly in Ottawa but has successfully completed assignments in Florida, Wales, Malaysia, Sweden and Australia, and was key-note speaker in Johannesburg South Africa and Victoria BC. Formal education includes an Executive Development and Diploma in Management (McGill University), M.Sc. Mathematics (Université de Grenoble, and U. de Montréal) and B. Sc. Mathematics (Concordia University). He was: Program Director of the Corporate Performance Management Program, Sprott, Carleton; Director of IS/IM at Royal Trust; and at Northern Telecom; CMC; CMC Board Member; PMI-OVOC Board Member; Governor of ICCC; is ITIL Certified and a TBS Independent Project Reviewer.