Paper (62): BIM in Structural Engineering: Interoperability and Algorithmically Generated Content
Abstract: As BIM continues to revolutionize the way that buildings and designed and constructed, interoperability between various BIM-related software is critical, particularly in field of structural engineering where design and documentation are no longer discrete activities. The presenters will discuss how analysis and documentation models are linked to streamline workflows, and how algorithmically generated content can automate much of the modeling process.
Biography: Mr. Dreher joined Structura in 1999 and has been the structural engineer of record for many award-winning buildings throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Mr. Dreher manages Structura’s Rockville office and has been involved in the management and design of a wide variety of projects, including mixed-use, multifamily residential, commercial, and retail buildings. Mr. Dreher also oversees financial performance of the firm and plays a key role in strategic planning.