Project Management Office (PMO) has been around for more than three decades and in those thirty plus years the PMO (especially IT-PMO and in some case Enterprise PMO) has at times struggled to provide its value to organizations. With the advent of newer methodologies in the IT world, especially, AGILE and Scrum Methodologies, the PMOs are yet again finding hard to keep their feet in the ground in terms of providing value to organizations. In all these years, PMOs have been constantly adjusting to the demands of the organizations , however, primarily focusing on the basic value of the PMO which is being gatekeepers of standards for projects, mentoring project managers and coming to the rescue of troubled projects. Faced with the challenges of providing agility, the PMO is now also tasked with providing value to business owners and reduce the gap in the value perception of the business owner and the project manager. This presentation will briefly go through the significant events of the past decades of the PMO and then present those areas where the PMO will make significant contribution going forward, namely, in the areas of demand and capacity management. In the process of doing so, we will walk through a case study of demand and capacity management that was implemented by the PMO in one of the organizations
Track: PM Methodology
Customer Centric Project Management: Engage the Customer, but don’t disengage the Project Manager
Customer Centric Requirements Management (CCRM) is the continuous re-examination, evolution and definition of the stakeholders’ business requirements and the technology project’s mandate and deliverables based on the organizational strategy, business processes, capacity, and people. It is to produce deliverables that create value for the corporation and emphasize the value of IT professionals.
Defining requirement is a critical activity. CCRM is engaging the project customer throughout the project development lifecycle. It focuses less on the time, established schedules or the cost to deliver and more on creating corporate business value. CCRM is a cultural shift from how we deliver to what we deliver.
But this also extends to respecting how PMs manage their projects, accountability of the customer, involvement of senior executives and the business analyst.
Lessons to Learn:
- Projects are not developed to be on time, within budget and to deliver functionality as initially estimated and elaborated in the business requirements document;
- Customersand Business Analyst (BA) engaged during system development to refine business requirements and in turn final project deliverables, improves results.
- CCRM is a cultural shift from prioritizing how we deliver to what we deliver; and
- Project Management is not for a committee, and consensus on the methodology is optional.
Intended Audience
Business program Directors, Business Analysts, Senior Project Managers, Executives
Presentation History of Paper
- Invited Speaker, 59th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Berlin, Germany, 2015
- Invited Speaker, 2nd Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting (DIEM 2015), Scientific Conference of Innovation, Leadership & Entrepreneurship – Challenges of Modern Economy, October 01-03, 2015
- International Keynote Speaker, IT Web Software Development, South Africa, March 2015;
- Invited Speaker, ProjectWorld*BusinessAnalystWorld: Atlantic Canada 2014, Moncton NB, November 2014;
- Keynote Speaker, VIC-PMI Professional Development Conference, Victoria BC, May 2014;
- Invited Speaker, OVOC-PMI Professional Development Day, Toronto, November 2013;