The Art and Science of Effective Communication in the Age of AI – Demko
Effective communication has always been difficult, but in today’s high-paced, short-attentioned world it takes a combination of skill and creativity to deliver your thoughts to another person. The dawning age of Artificial Intelligence is only making this more complicated and difficult.
Whether at work, on social media, or in personal interactions- we need to ensure we use the right words, the right number words, in the right tone, and in the right format to gain and maintain the attention of those to whom we are trying to communicate.
I propose we examine this topic using the four “C”s: Clarity, Concise, Content, and Creativity. If we violate any of these three “rules” we run the risk of our verbal, written, or presentation communication of suffering one of the four “D”s of poor communication: being disregarded, deleted, discounted, or delegated!
Join me as we look at the Art and Science of Clear Communication! Who knows, the person I help may be you!
PMI Talent Triangle: Ways of Working
PDUs: 0.75