Proper Selection of A Project Delivery Method

10:55 am -11:25 am

Friday, May 5, 2017

Juan Ramon Jimenez, Room 2206

Paper Title:

Proper Selection of A Project Delivery Method


Recent advancements in construction management techniques requires proper selection of a project delivery method. Selection of a project delivery method can heavily influence the success of the project. Project owners determine a project delivery method in the early phases of a project. This research provides a model to identify the best project delivery method based on an owner’s constraints. First, the elements of various delivery methods are classified into measurable variables. Then, the variables are examined to identify their impact on the project outcomes. Next, a comprehensive questionnaire identifies the project owner’s needs, which are entered into an algorithm that compares owner’s needs with the project delivery method variables. The output of the model is a set of suggested delivery methods that best meet the unique needs of the project owner. Finally, this paper demonstrate the application of the model in a real-world construction case.

PMI Talent Triangle Skill: Technical Project Management


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