Presentation: 7 Strategies for Reducing IoT Cyber Risk
Abstract: IoT Security and Risk Management is critical to encourage adoption of the massive emergence of smart, connected devices.
- IDC analysts predict that by 2018, two-thirds of enterprises will experience IoT security breaches
- Cisco predicts that there will be 50B connected devices worldwide by 2020.
IoT is clearly impacting many parts of our lives, in the home (Wearables and the Smart Home) as well as many industry verticals (Manufacturing, Healthcare, Public Sector, Oil & Gas). Yet the question that continues to evolve is that while we need and desire many of the conveniences or downright cost savings that IoT devices make possible – How is security being addressed for this entire category of devices?
You’ll learn:
- Why IoT introduces new challenges for security and risk management
- How to implement low-cost security and risk management initiatives
- What are top strategies and implementation approaches to reduce vulnerability and risk
- Approaches for ensuring user privacy and managing the customer experience
This session will provide proven strategies needed to maintain cost-effective security and risk management initiatives to support and drive IoT vendor success.
You will learn top strategies and implementation approaches for IoT vendors to build the trust and resilience needed to seize opportunities, reduce risks, and deploy the right security models that reduce security vulnerability and risk.
Biography: Hector Del Castillo has over 15 years of experience collaborating with executives, senior managers, and entrepreneurs to transform ideas into a great business. He’s passionate about building and marketing products customers love.
As CMO at Sysenex, he’s busy building a cloud-based, mobile responsive cognitive risk analytics application to help product-centric organizations manage risk and innovation to identify viable options to improve the customer experience, lower costs, implement better operational controls, and offer more competitive prices.
As a consultant, trainer and coach, he accelerates growth by building capacity and capability, guiding and training product teams, improving processes and deploying best in class tools to make smarter decisions and get better results from product investments.
Contact Hector if you are looking to grow your product-centric business and let him show you how he can help you manage innovation and risk to make well informed decisions.
Contact: delcastillo@sysenex.com Connect: linkd.in/hdelcastillo Follow:@hmdelcastillo