Panel: Government Project Management in 2025
Abstract: How will Federal government program and project management change in the new world of the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act? Federal program and project managers will discuss the future of project management under the PMIAA and how recent changes in agile procurement, agile project management, and digital transformation has made more effective program/project management vital to government’s ability to successfully deliver services to the American public.
Biography: Larry Gillick is Acting Director for Digital Strategy at the U.S. Department of the Interior. Larry sets standards for web and social media across his agency and its constituent bureaus and offices, including establishing a common cloud-based platform for Web hosting and flexible support contracts. He has done much of the negotiation with social media services for federal-friendly terms of service, manages video production for the Secretary’s office (established a widely used business model for live webcasting), and has run one of his agency’s successful social media presences.
An Army veteran with experience leading teams widely spread by geography, Larry now acts as the prime point of contact for agency-level web efforts. His recent projects include creation and enhancement of a Drupal platform-as-a-service that hosts DOI.gov, FCG.gov, BSEE.gov and DOIOIG.gov. He advises other agencies on web and social media issues and was an invited speaker at this year’s DrupalCon GovSummit in New Orleans.
A content-creator by training (screenplays, short films, multi-media productions, websites), Larry says that his greatest impact during government service has been in the projects that he helped kill or slow down until they were done right. “Smart people sometimes have ideas that look great from their perspective — and in government, it’s easy to be just a follower. What’s more helpful is to provide other perspectives — counsel, not just obedience. That’s what I expect from my people and part of the value I offer to my own leadership.”
He has an MA from Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication and is ABT on an MFA in Digital Cinema.