Paper: IPD – Complicated Collaboration of Improbable Panacea
Abstract: Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) has been touted with both raves and reservation as a construction project delivery method. IPD boasts better buildings thanks to multiparty contracting, but detractors warn that IPD remains as complicated as it is collaborative.
IPD requires the sharing of project risks among the multiparty contract entities and allows subsequent profit sharing. Removing the associated liability encourages the parties to focus on producing an economical design and executing the construction activity efficiently and effectively. The IPD project is organized like a business with early involvement of key players with shared team decision-making and control. Orientation [onboarding] is critical because IPD’s approach, process and vocabulary are different from the normal project delivery methods. In IPD, the facility owner pays all contract signatories’ direct costs and overhead, theoretically striped of profit. The team of designers and contractors contribute to a profit pool, based on a target price. The risk of losing money is minimal with the opportunity to share in the net budget savings (i.e., profit). Moreover, IPD offers opportunities for repeat business with trusted partners.
However, skeptics remain. The typical constructor, pragmatic by nature, has honed their business skills from the school of hard knocks. IPD seems complicated to those not attuned to creative problem solving. IPD participants must be technically knowledgeable with business savvy, be good at ‘playing well’ with others, and exhibit good communication skills; not the typical construction manager’s tool-kit.
The proposed paper will compare and contrast these positive and negative aspects of IPD.
PMI Talent Triangle Skill: Strategic and Business Management
Biography: Nadia Arafah is an experienced and innovative interior designer focused on sustainability . She is a faculty member at Easter Michigan University an allied member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). She earned her Masters degree in interior design from Eastern Michigan and currently working on her Phd. Her research interest is evolving about sustainable design as a way of creating healthier interior environments.
In her professional practice, Nadia works on projects of all sizes, from renovating and repurposing old buildings to simply helping clients choose the perfect paint colors for their home. Arafah also takes on select commercial projects in addition to her residential design work, and finds helping people feel comfortable and happy in their office space is always rewarding.
Interior design is not just a career for Nadia Arafah – it’s a passion. Nadia loves meeting interesting and eclectic people, and enjoys the variety of experiences a design career provides. She also works to educate her student about the importance of sustainable design approach and guides them towards learning new software to excel their designs.
In her free time, you can find Nadia reading, painting, enjoying the outdoors and socializing with her friends and family.