Paper: Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Precast concrete pavement
Abstract: I would like to focus on replacement of concrete pavements with precast concrete pavements which will result in faster construction, thinner slabs and more durable life of pavement. Precast concrete pavement also provides longer construction season throughout the year and less congestion in traffic while carrying out maintenance of roads or reconstruction of roads. I will be carrying out the study of Life cycle cost analysis of pre-cast concrete pavements with the traditional method by comparing aspects such as cost comparison of precast concrete roads with on-site casting, the methodology of construction, the material used, recurring cost, maintenance cost, life assessment and life expectancy. The results which are expected after this study are to identify how feasible is it to replace traditional onsite casting of pavements with precast concrete pavements with respect to cost, time and life expectancy.
Biography: Shiven Jiten Sompura is currently working as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, California state university Fullerton. Shiven received a Bachelor’s degree in Civil engineering from University of Mumbai, India and is currently pursuing Master’s degree in Civil engineering from California state university Fullerton. He is currently working on a research topic, Life cycle cost analysis of precast concrete pavement. Previously, he worked as a Quality control engineer at SGS Pvt. LTD for road project. Apart from this, he spends his time in listening music, hiking, travelling and watching movies. You can reach Shiven at shivensompura@csu.fullerton.edu.