Paper: Determining Factors Affecting Public Private Partnership (PPP) Acceptance
Abstract: Over the last twenty five years many infrastructure projects have been successfully pursued through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) approach across the United States (US). While the PPP project delivery model remains same in principle, the PPP acceptance rate across the different States in the US has been significantly different. Literature review shows that researchers have identified factors that influence PPP projects at program level but the factors that influence end users’ point of view towards PPPs are not yet identified. The knowledge gap leaves Federal Agencies with minimal information to adequately plan for PPP success.
The main objective of this research is to identify factors that influence people’s PPP acceptance. Through logical reasoning we selected several demographic and road use factors that could influence end users’ PPP acceptance. The data for all such factors was obtained from several government sources for California, Florida and Texas. Using SPSS we conducted Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to identify the most influential factors. Results show that vehicle miles travelled, education, traffic count and gender distribution were the most influential factors affecting PPP acceptance.
Biography: Vandit is a Graduate Student at California State University Fullerton, pursuing Master of Science in Construction Engineering and Management. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Gujarat Technological University (Ahmedabad, India). He worked as a Graduate Research Assistant and Graduate Teaching Assistant at California State University Fullerton. His thesis was emphasized on “Determining Factors Affecting State’s Success of Public Private Partnership (P3) projects in the United States”. He was a Project Engineer Intern at Herzog Contracting Corp. for 5 months and an Engineering Intern at Twining, Inc. for 3 months.