Presentation: So, Your Schedule Says Your Project Will Finish on Time. . . Is that All it is Really Telling You?
Abstract: The benefits of combining earned value analysis with conventional schedule review are irrefutable. Combined review offers a better determination of project health than traditional schedule reviews because it provides concurrent measurement of progress in time and earnings. It also represents a proactive approach to project management and a best practice. However, it represents a departure from how much of the construction industry currently operates. Projects are often behind and finish late, and owners and CMs consistently misinterpret schedules and miss the signs of projects in crisis. We will examine the results of a study of more than 2500 project schedules on over 100 projects and the performance trends and indicators identified. And we will consider how the use of combined schedule and EVM review can assist in reversing the trend of project delays and cost overruns.
PMI Talent Triangle Skill: Technical Project Management
Biography: Christopher J. Payne, PE, CCM with MBP. Mr. Payne has more than 29 years of experience in construction management and design, with a wide variety of experience including construction field management, inspection, CPM scheduling, and cost estimating. He has specialized experience in resolution of construction disputes, including analysis of delays. Mr. Payne has provided expert testimony on highway and building disputes. He has nine years of experience with the Virginia Department of Transportation specializing in planning, design, and maintenance of bridges and structures. Mr. Payne is MBP’s executive vice president and chief operating officer.