Paper and Presentation: Case Study: Portfolio Management in the 2020 Census Program
Abstract: The Decennial Census is the United States oldest and most comprehensive source of information about the U.S. population. The Census Bureau manages this very large, complex multi-billion dollar program and most people are familiar with the program and its purpose. What most people don’t understand is that while, the 2020 Census will be conducted on April 1 2020, the planning, staging and conducting of the Census happens over a timespan of more than 10 years. This case study will focus on the Portfolio Management structure the 2020 Census Program has in place to select and manage the many investments needed to conduct such a large and complex operation, profile the types of investments in the program’s portfolio, the program’s funding and external oversight challenges.
PMI Talent Triangle Skill: Strategic and Business Management
Biography: Susan Hostetter, PMP, is a Project Manager in the Demographic Survey Methodology Division (DSMD) at the U.S. Census Bureau in Washington, DC, USA. She has spent twenty plus years at the U.S Census Bureau as a data analyst and project management professional. She has been instrumental in standing up and improving risk management, project management, portfolio management, strategic planning, and performance management processes for multiple Census and Survey programs. She received her undergraduate degree in Business Administration and Economics from Mary Baldwin College and her Master’s degree in Project Management from the University of Maryland’s University College. Susan can be contacted at susan.lynn.hostetter@census.gov
Sherri Norris is a project management and statistical professional with over twenty years of public policy, project management and operations experience. Ms. Norris has coordinated and implemented schedule, requirements, performance management, and governance processes for survey and Census Programs. She has a Public Policy Master’s Degree in Justice: Law and Society from American University, a Master’s Certificate in Program Management from George Washington University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from University of Delaware. Sherri can be reached at sherri.j.norris@census.gov