Presentation: Panel Discussion – Project Management Training for Federal Employees
Abstract: Three leading federal government professionals describe how they built and manage excellent project management training programs in their agencies. This is an interactive session in which participants are encouraged to dialogue with established experts in government project management training.
PMI Talent Triangle Skill: Strategic and Business Management
Biography: Tim Whalen currently serves as the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Information Technology Acquisition Career manager. He assumed this position upon retiring from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) in 2011 with over 21 years of progressive IT Program Manager (PM) and operational leadership experience. He has had a leading role in revising the DHS certification program for certifying project and program managers and chaired federal efforts to establish IT specialization standards across the government.
Prior to his current position, Tim was detailed from the USCG to the DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) where he served as a PM. While there, he supervised the development of an Enterprise situation awareness system for the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture. This system included features for the exchange of critical information which facilitates the coordinated Federal, state, and local response to radiation detection events.
Tim served as the Chief of Prevention and Compliance for USCG Sector Upper Mississippi River from 2006 to 2009 where he successfully supervised the USCG operations across 11 states and at 13 subordinate units. During this period, he also played key leadership roles in USCG responses to multiple occurrences of record flooding on the Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois River systems, hundreds of maritime casualty response operations.
Prior assignments in the USCG included: 5 years of project management supporting the development of the USCG’s Enterprise HR Information system; and 5 years in New York serving as Vessel Inspector, Marine Casualty Investigator, and as a system requirements representative supporting development of the USCG’s Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) system.
Tim holds a Master’s of Science in Information Technology Management from the Naval Postgraduate School and a Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation from the United States Merchant Marine Academy