Applying Choosing-By-Advantage for Selecting Scheduling Technique in Elevated Urban Highway Projects – Charles Igwe
The construction or rehabilitation of elevated highway projects presents a spectrum of challenges to project practitioners. These challenges place a demand on the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) abilities of the project management team. Moreover, micro-scheduling of construction activities has been deemed important to the reduction of waste based on the lean paradigm due to the changing dynamics of the construction site. Choosing the project scheduling method that will facilitate value creation for the stakeholders becomes an MCDM problem and entails having a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the different scheduling methods under consideration. Choosing by Advantage (CBA) is an emerging lean construction MCDM method that has been successfully applied to the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry but with little application in infrastructure projects such as the construction of elevated urban highway projects. Decision makers using the CBA list the attributes and advantages of each alternative and then assign a degree of importance to each advantage relative to the one that is least preferred. The CBA helps to differentiate alternatives based on the decision context and reduces time to reach consensus, and it manages better subjective trade-offs by basing decisions on the importance of agreed advantages. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by applying the CBA in the selection of the micro-scheduling method in elevated urban highway projects.
PMI Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management