BIM for Facilities Management: Utopia vs Reality – Saurabh Gangwar

3:45 pm -4:15 pm

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Juan Ramon Jimenez #2208

Paper Title:

BIM for Facilities Management: Utopia vs Reality


National BIM Standards (NBIMS) defines BIM as, “Building Information Modeling is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle from inception onward.”

Utilizing BIM for Facilities Management (FM) has been the utopian dream of BIM enthusiasts since the inception of BIM. A fully parametric BIM can provide immediate access to information from mechanical component types and periodic maintenance records, to fixture and equipment inventories, to seating charts and disaster recovery plans.

Public agencies and large property owners have started mandating FM-BIM model deliverables as part of the project handover. Many contractors are marketing their capabilities to deliver FM-BIM models to distinguish themselves from competition.

However, a closer look at the process of delivering FM-BIM exposes that a gap exists in integrating facility related information with BIM models for efficient handover to support facility management operations. There are many technical challenges posed due to the lack of interoperability of multiple software involved. Also, there are challenges in the process of data gathering due to the current contractual framework.

This presentation will take a deeper dive in understanding the process and technology challenges in creating useful FM-BIM models and propose a roadmap to turn the utopian dream of BIM for FM into reality.

PMI Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management


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