Managing Your Stakeholders Leads to Project SUCCESS – Myles Miller

1:50 pm -2:20 pm

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Benjamin Banneker #2212


Projects with involved stakeholders are far more likely to be successful. But many projects suffer from low engagement from executives, users, and key stakeholders alike.

The PMI’s Pulse of the Profession survey found that projects with high executive support were 40% more likely to be successful than those with low engagement. However only 60% of executives were actively engaged.

The Standish Group’s CHAOS Report reported similar results. High stakeholder and user involvement are critical factors in successful projects. Similarly, low engagement is a leading cause of failure.

These finding make sense. When stakeholders are involved, expectations are well defined. Requirements are clear. Issues are resolved quickly. There is regular and constructive collaboration.

Projects with low engagement lack a sense of purpose. The goal and definition of what “done” is fuzzy. Scope is fluid. Milestones are missed and costs escalate.

Taking the effort to effectively and constructively engage stakeholders is an essential part of a project manager’s role. In this session you will learn the reasons why and how to build better relationships, understand stakeholder’s aspirations, their role, and communications preferences are investments that pay tremendous dividends and lead to project success over and over again.

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


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