Presentation: Leveraging Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Federal Program and Project Management
Abstract: Best practices and lessons learned from projects and programs offer very valuable insights – but how are they captured and shared for the benefit of all? This session will highlight factors that motivate consumption and institutionalization of this often hard-won information. We will highlight some key efforts at NASA, the Energy Information Administration, and the Federal Program and Project Management Community of Practice.
Facilitated by Christie Rewey
PMI Talent Triangle Skill: Strategic and Business Management
Biography: Christie Rewey is a Management and Program Analyst in the Project Management Coordination Office within the US Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. She leads the Project Management Workshop Series and is the lead coordinator for the Federal Program and Project Management Community of Practice, a multi-agency collaborative working to improve Federal project delivery and efficiency. She has over 15 years of project management, energy policy, and utility program experience. Christie holds a BS degree in Political Science and a Master of Public Administration/ Environmental Policy, Management and Law, along with PMP and FAC-COR certifications.