Presentation (1 of 2): Federal Project Management Training
Abstract: Facing many competing priorities, federal project managers must allocate their training hours and dollars wisely. The Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act (PMIAA) requires Strengthening PM Capacity to Build a Capable PM Workforce through the investment in building program management capacity and capability over time through increased training opportunities, career pathways, and mentorship opportunities. . But, what training and development should they seek, and what is the best way to find it? Improving the management of Government programs will require agencies to professionalize this critical workforce on an increasing basis, encouraging the application of education, training, and experience to inform critical thinking and expert analysis that will support decision-making and overcome challenges to program implementation and execution. Agencies will develop program and project managers via a career path that provides experience and mentorship opportunities designed to teach these skillsets.
In this session, federal leaders of PM training, communities of practice, and acquisition career management will share real-world experiences of offering, delivering, pursuing and making the most of training, learning, and development opportunities in the federal government. We’ll present a case study of a cross-functional course for integrated project teams and improving critical thinking skills (unconfirmed). We’ll also discuss leveraging the knowledge of experienced project managers by mentoring entry and mid-level PMs.
PMI Talent Triangle Skill: Strategic and Business Management
Presentation (2 of 2): The PM Can’t Do It Alone!
Abstract: PMs are a critical member of the federal acquisition team and must partner with Contracting Officers and CORs from the development of requirements for a contract/project through contract award and/or project delivery.
What is the Government PM’s relationship with Contracting Officers (COs) and Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs)? This presentation will look at best practices for a PM working with the COR and the CO as part of the acquisition team and provide insights on what the PM can and cannot do when working with their contractor counterpart. The purchase of items, supplies or services, by contract, must involve a Contracting Officer, who is the only person with authority to enter into contracts or make changes to existing contracts. The COR’s responsibilities include providing technical expertise and ensuring that the contractor delivers the required items, supplies or services on schedule and meets the stated requirements before, being accepted by the Government.
PMI Talent Triangle Skill: Strategic and Business Management
Biography: Tim Whalen currently serves as the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Information Technology Acquisition Career manager. He assumed this position upon retiring from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) in 2011 with over 21 years of progressive IT Program Manager (PM) and operational leadership experience. He has had a leading role in revising the DHS certification program for certifying project and program managers and chaired federal efforts to establish IT specialization standards across the government.
Prior to his current position, Tim was detailed from the USCG to the DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) where he served as a PM. While there, he supervised the development of an Enterprise situation awareness system for the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture. This system included features for the exchange of critical information which facilitates the coordinated Federal, state, and local response to radiation detection events.
Tim served as the Chief of Prevention and Compliance for USCG Sector Upper Mississippi River from 2006 to 2009 where he successfully supervised the USCG operations across 11 states and at 13 subordinate units. During this period, he also played key leadership roles in USCG responses to multiple occurrences of record flooding on the Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois River systems, hundreds of maritime casualty response operations.
Prior assignments in the USCG included: 5 years of project management supporting the development of the USCG’s Enterprise HR Information system; and 5 years in New York serving as Vessel Inspector, Marine Casualty Investigator, and as a system requirements representative supporting development of the USCG’s Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) system.
Tim holds a Master’s of Science in Information Technology Management from the Naval Postgraduate School and a Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation from the United States Merchant Marine Academy