Maximizing Relationships and Maximizing Results – Anwar Taylor & Leah Brown Taylor

11:30 am -12:00 pm

Friday, May 10, 2019

Atrium #1107

Paper Title:

Maximizing Relationships and Maximizing Results


Studies show that 1 in every 3 people under the age of 19 does not have a mentor. This means that many adults do not have a framework for seeking or creating mentorship relationships. In addition, many adults may not have experienced the positive impact of mentorship relationships in their personal and professional lives.

Anwar Taylor, founder and CEO of Everyday Mentorship LLC, created an engaging and memorable strategy for seeking and developing mentorship relationships. Through structured teaching, Anwar will present stories and examples through his D.I.C.E. approach. D.I.C.E. (Discover, Initiate, Connect, and Enhance) describes the life cycle of a mentorship relationship.

Leah Brown Taylor, founder of LT PMP Services, will explain the D.I.C.E. approach in the context of a project management environment. Through successful mentorship relationships, individuals can gain new project management skills and increase the overall productivity of projects.

At the end of this presentation, project management professionals will be equipped and empowered to develop mentorship relationships in their own environments.

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