Presentation: Thriving in Chaos: Becoming a 10X Product Leader with Lean-Agile Techniques
Abstract: Learn how to lead in chaotic times and achieve truly unrivaled success. James Collins and his team at Harvard studied companies that achieved 10X growth in tough economic conditions. As a follow on to “Good to Great,” James Collins describes these companies as being “Great by Choice” because their recipe for success worked in any condition, from startups to disruptive company turnarounds. The result was a description of what makes a “10X” leader – including fanatical discipline, empirical creativity, productive paranoia, and level 5 ambition. This presentation explores HOW you can actually implement these behaviors as a Lean-Agile leader to deliver Products that achieve 10X returns.
Biography: John Johnson serves as the President and CEO of PM Dynamics LLC, as well as Adjunct Faculty at the University of Maryland, College Park, Project Management Center for Excellence. PM Dynamics is a small startup consultancy promotes online and in-person training for adult learners on project management. PM Dynamics also provides strategic consulting for federal acquisitions and procurement strategies; project management consulting; and systems engineering. Mr. Johnson teaches graduate courses on Agile and Predictive management at the University of Maryland’s Project Management Program. His recent Agile Project Management series on EdX was highlighted as the #1 Professional Certificate for massive online open courses (MOOCs) globally by the premier MOOC reviewer Class-Central.com with over 40,000 enrollments in 8 months. He has 10 years of project management, systems engineering, and advanced analytics experience leading large teams as an Agile PM at IBM and Booz Allen, as well as CTO of Softek Enterprises LLC.