Change Management – Use It or Lose It – Hine

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Abstract: Developing and implementing an effective change management approach is typically overlooked as the project itself is the focus of the PM and the development team, this more than just about any other reason leads to limited adoption and ultimately the project becoming shelfware.

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management

Stakeholder Management: Navigating the Stakeholder Web – A Practitioner’s Experience – Andriani & Nix

Just like a spider sits in the middle of its web to monitor and react to motions in its complex frame of radius threads, the Demographic Statistical Methods Division (DSMD) project manager plays a central role in monitoring, anticipating, and reacting to the various and complex needs of their many stakeholders. With so many stakeholders involved in demographic surveys, how do project managers handle the scope and challenges of stakeholder management?

This presentation will discuss the project management methods and processes developed and used by the Management Operations Office of the DSMD to most effectively manage the often competing needs of its internal and external stakeholders. We will detail the list of stakeholders and their relationships to the DSMD Project Manager, outline the tools and processes developed to handle their individual needs with regard to scope, schedule and budget, provide practical examples of tailoring project management techniques for various clients, and highlight new stakeholder management processes currently in development.

PMI Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management