Optimizing Decision Making – Facility Lifecycle Considerations – Scott Higgins

9:50 am -10:20 am

Friday, May 10, 2019

Prince Georges #1211


Some value engineering initiatives can garner 100% return on investment which are incredibly attractive to public institutions dependent on bond issues to fund capital renewal or investment. The savings are often relied on to compensated for changes in construction prices, upgrade design finishes, add features, expand program scope all without having to increase the bond limit. These funds may show up as renewable energy systems, better playground equipment, safety and security measures, technology, environmental systems…. truly items that make for better schools. However, bond money cannot be invested into the chronically under-funded follow-on operations and preservation of facilities over their remaining 35 plus years.

This is a discussion is a look at the asset creation initiatives that should be considered to optimize facilities and portfolios over their entire lifecycles consistent with the owner’s requirements.

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management
