Diving Deep into the Talent Pool — Getting the Best Out of Your Project Team – Miller
Abstract: So, you have a project to lead and manage and you need to put a team together, to drive an idea into reality. Now you may have the luxury of picking your own team members, but very often you have to comprise your team of people that are selected for you, from near and far, some you may know and many you do not.
How do you take this “rag-tag” team of potential superstars and turn them into one cohesive project delivery success story? Well, that’s what this session is all about.
Learn how to:
- Assess the talent you have in the first 30 minutes instead of the first 30 days. Let’s face it, you do not have that kind of time very often.
- Develop talents and skills that are lying dormant within every member on your team, that will make them better team members and create more highly capable individuals, with paths created to succeed long after your project ends.
- Determine what motivates your team members to do work on your project because they want to and not just because they must do it.
- Leverage the skills of influencing and negotiation to take your team members efforts and outputs to greater heights then when they first started your project, so they can be proud of their accomplishments and have the desire to work on another project with you in the future.
It has often been said that projects are all about processes and procedures, but the “true” reality of why project’s succeed while others fail, is the PEOPLE that the project manager surrounds themselves with and how well that project manager develops them and those on their teams into the very best at producing successful project outcomes. That’s what being a project manager is truly all about today.
PMI Talent Triangle: Leadership