Presentation: An Update on the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act. (PMIAA)
Abstract: In December of 2016, the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act (PMIAA) was passed into law and became Public Law 114-264. The law had an intent of improving program results and enhancing government efficiency. This session will describe the law, what has been accomplished in a broad sense and discuss current activities.
Information will include:
- Origination in the Government Efficiency Caucus
- Knowledge gathered in a series of roundtables about PMIAA implementation conducted in concert with the Partnership for Public Service and PMI
- Discussions with the Office of Personnel Management and OPM’s work on the job series and job identifier
- Output from the GAO Report that’s reviewing PMIAA implementation which will be issued in mid-December 2019 as mandated by the law.
PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management
Biography: Amanda Good is a Corporate and Goernment Reations Speacialist for Project Management Institute (PMI). She is responsible for cultivating and maintaining relationships with targeted organizations and government agencies to increase understanding, adoption, and effective use of project, program, and portfolio management practices.
Ms. Good leads PMI’s NextPert initiative within the Global Executive Council, supporting partners in recognizing and developing emerging project leaders, in encouraging new solutions to persistent business challenges via the use of human-centered design, and in leveraging the variety of knowledge that spans generations in the workplace.