The Evolution from Project to Business Manager – Lukas

2:00 pm -2:45 pm

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Breakout Room 4

Paper Title:

The Evolution from Project to Business Manager


Evaluate Session

Project success is not just delivering the scope on time and within budget. What clients need from project teams is delivery of the expected business benefits. Project managers who also have business skills greatly increases their value, since they can assist the client in defining, managing and delivering the project benefits. This paper will review key strategic planning concepts including goals and objectives, and how the project manager can support the client in selecting the projects that provide optimum value. A major focus of this paper is the importance of establishing key performance indicators and success factors; along with a business case based on quantitative benefits. In addition, value achievement best practices will be discussed, which is ensuring the project benefits are realized. This paper provides a roadmap for project managers to evolve into business managers by learning the skills to help define, manage and deliver the project benefits.

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


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