Presentation: An Update on the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act. (PMIAA)
Abstract: In December of 2016, the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act (PMIAA) was passed into law and became Public Law 114-264. The law had an intent of improving program results and enhancing government efficiency. This session will describe the law, what has been accomplished in a broad sense and discuss current activities.
Information will include:
- Origination in the Government Efficiency Caucus
- Knowledge gathered in a series of roundtables about PMIAA implementation conducted in concert with the Partnership for Public Service and PMI
- Discussions with the Office of Personnel Management and OPM’s work on the job series and job identifier
- Output from the GAO Report that’s reviewing PMIAA implementation which will be issued in mid-December 2019 as mandated by the law.
PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management
Biography: Charles R. Mahon is a Government Relations Manager for the Project Management Institute working in PMI’s Washington DC Office.
Mr. Mahon is former naval surface warfare officer and was qualified in naval nuclear propulsion. He served on board the nuclear powered guided missile cruiser, the USS Virginia (CGN 38) and the aircraft carrier the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). After his naval service, he worked in civilian nuclear power generation for over 20 years performing refueling outage management and systems engineering. Next Mr. Mahon worked in project management for two major projects for $160 and $300 million respectfully at a nuclear power facility. Subsequently, he provided program management as a contractor for the Department of Energy and for Department of Defense (DoD). During the Iraq and Afghani wars Mr. Mahon was a contractor program manager supporting the U.S. Army’s biometric information systems with networks spanning from the warzones to the continental U.S. Just before coming to PMI Mr. Mahon worked in technical services supporting Counter Improvised Explosive Device Technologies for the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization and the U.S. Army’s Counter Improvised Explosive Device Task Force. Mr. Mahon is graduate from the United States Naval Academy, has a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Engineering, has a Master’s certificate in Applied Project Management from Villanova University and is certified Project Management Professional (PMP).