
PM 4.0: AI & Future for Project Managers

Two speakers and a moderator from our upcoming Project Management Symposium, April 20-21, 2023, were featured in the March 2023 PM Point of View Podcast on the topic of “PM 4.0: AI & Future for Project Managers.”

This podcast episode features guests Al Zeiton, Marissa Brienza and Bill Brantley as they chat about the role of AI in Project Management and the potential risks and benefits of using it as PMs. Discover the logic and importance of maintaining human interaction.  As it turns out, the reality is not fear, which that makes us think “it will never replace us” but rather AI’s limitations in the larger PM discipline. Ah! But what potential magic AI may bring if we use it as augmenting project management, driving improved risk assessment, and being our outsourced memory! All in service of PMs providing value for customers, and keeping us on the relationship side, even as technology might give us augmented memory, augmented intelligence or even artificial emotional intelligence. There may be guardrails we need to learn as we plunge toward a future of exponential skill growth in which could take PMs to the CEO suite…but augmented PMs maybe the stuff CEOs will be made of!

Below are the Symposium sessions featured in this podcast.

Guest Bill Brantley, is the moderator of the Federal Programs track of the Project Management Symposium plus the author of three online Professional Certificate Programs developed by the University of Maryland Project Management Center for Excellence and available for FREE on edX.

These speakers are only 2 of the 50 you will hear at our upcoming Project Management Symposium April 20-21, 2023.  Hope to see you there!

Listen to the Podcast Now

So You Want to Agile


Three speakers from our upcoming Project Management Symposium on April 20-21, 2023 were featured in the February 2023 PM Point of View Podcast on the topic of “So You Want to Agile.”

We all talk Agile, and sometimes we “say we wanna do agile,” so this conversation is about the challenges of implementing Agile in different environments with guests David Forsyth, Mike Millane, and Caitlin Kenny.  Co-host Mike Hannan takes these experts through a journey of the tensions between customers and vendors and the difficulty in managing communication pathways, budgeting, and the principle-agent problem. Solutions you care about included dedicating teams, synchronizing resources, capacity-based budgeting, and fixed-price contracts. Ah, and culture, it always is culture…that the shift that comes with embracing Agile and how transformation should be a continuous journey that focuses on business value. So, with a little patience and a focus on interpersonal accountability, incentives, and autonomy you can build the trusting teams needed to do the Agile dance.  Fight the zealotry, power to the edge, and download the episode!

Below are the three Symposium sessions featured in this podcast.

These speakers are only three of the 50 you will hear at our upcoming Project Management Symposium April 20-21, 2023.  Hope to see you there!

Listen to the Podcast Now