Presentation: Creating the Experience-Driven Future Organization – empowering the Strategic
Project Management Muscle
Presentation Date and Time: Thursday, April 20, 2023, 9:00 AM
Abstract: The world of work has changed and tomorrow’s leaders have not been created yet. At the heart of their creation are adaptive mindsets seeing opportunities in chaos, connected hearts that unite, and focused resilient execution experience that achieves and creates value faster. The next generation project managers need to zoom, energize, and transform. Organizations will simplify, break molds, and remove resistance to speed scaling.
Most of the critical future of work changes can be clustered into themes: project management as a strategic muscle, role of project managers changes, the project economy, and balance between transparency and autonomy in experience cultures. As such, the landscape is changing and the ten pillars of project management have emerged. These critical ten pillars in the work of this author, with Kerzner and Vargas, will influence project management for the next decade and the performance of future experience-driven organizations.
Business as usual is shrinking and the qualities of the futuristic project manager are shaped by collaborative qualities and new forms of leadership. Transformation ingredients will come together in this presentation to showcase the applicability of select number of the 10 pillars for creating organizational excellence momentum.
The connected future of business is human, projectized, and digitized. Creating an excellent
organizational ecosystem requires a culture that is committed to achieving balance amongst
these 3 critical elements of next gen’s world. Sustaining this transformative change is built on a
relentless commitment to the project and program management practices.
Biography: Dr. Zeitoun is a Future of Work, business optimization, and operational performance excellence thought leader with global experiences in strategy execution. His experiences encompass leading organizations; delivering their Enterprise Digital and Business Transformation; guiding fitting frameworks implementations; and using his empathy, engineering insights, and collaboration strengths to successfully envision new business models and execute complex missions across diverse cultures globally.
In his current role with Siemens, he is responsible for driving the program management practices, Masterplan governance, and enabling the Strategy Transformation processes. In his position, as the Executive Director for Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, Abu Dhabi, UAE, he was responsible for creating the strategy execution framework, achieving transformation benefits, governance excellence, and creating the data analytics discipline necessary for delivering on the $40B complex country energy mission roadmap.
At the McLean, USA HQ of Booz Allen Hamilton, Dr. Zeitoun strategically envisioned and customized digitally enabled EPMO advisory, mapped playbooks, and capability development for clients’ Billions of Dollars strategic initiatives. Furthermore, he led the firm’s Middle East North Africa Portfolio Management and Agile Governance Solutions.
With the International Institute of Learning, Dr. Zeitoun was a senior leader and global trainer and coach. He was instrumental in driving its global expansions, thought leadership, and operational excellence methodology to sense and shape dynamic ways of working across organizations worldwide. He speaks English, Arabic, and German and enjoys good food, travel, and volunteering.