Paper and Presentation: When Schedule is King and how to Oblige It
Abstract: Managing a project schedule is a key element to Project Management success and we know it is not all about critical path.
This presentation will to talk about generic schedule constraints, the Schedule Risk Assessment (SRA) processes, the value of having the team sit face to face periodically to talk about best and worst case scenarios and how to use the SRA evaluation (tornado chart) to focus extra PM attention for effective decisions.
Real program schedule data will be presented to support the discussion.
PMI Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management (Ways of Working)
Biography: Amy Houle Caruso is a native of South Orange, New Jersey, graduated from Rutgers University College of Engineering with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and earned a Master of Science in Technical Management from Johns Hopkins University.
Ms. Caruso has over thirty years of professional experience with the Naval Air Systems Command with a couple of years as the Director of Acquisition at the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). Her experience encompasses a wide variety of technical and senior staff assignments, including: Test and Evaluation of Naval Aircraft & Systems, Systems Engineering, and Program Management positions. She has worked on numerous major Defense Acquisition Programs and is currently supporting the Digital Analytics Infrastructure and Technology Advancement (DAiTA) group at Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, NAWC AD.
In addition to her full-time positions working for the Navy, Ms. Caruso has been an instructor for John Hopkins University. She taught Software Engineering Management, a mandatory class in the Technical Management Master of Science Degree curriculum. Ms. Caruso also served on the Board of Directors of the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum from 2009 to 2017, supporting the museum through a major rebranding and implementing numerous public activities and events.