Presentation: Using an Integrated Value Approach in Cross-Agency Collaboration to Ensure Mission Success
Abstract: Learn how you can turn strategy into action and work to achieve improvements to portfolio and program outcomes while improving strategic communication and alignment of projects. The Marketing & Regulatory Programs (MRP) Mission Area in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is piloting the Integrated Value Network (IVN) to drive intra-agency and cross-agency collaboration. This joint effort between USDA and several agencies presents a case study of this work and includes lessons learned, current progress, and future vision.
PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management (Business Acumen)
Biography: Basil White, M.A., PMP, supports policy and planning integration efforts at the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Enterprise Integration. Basil’s integration efforts support VA reorganizations, legislative proposals, strategic planning and Congressional testimony. Basil co-leads the Integrated Value Network Project, an informal effort to develop a common data architecture for policy and planning integration across the U.S. Executive Branch.