Paper and Presentation: Ch-ch-ch-changes: No One Likes Them But We All Need To Support Change
Abstract: As project managers, we are all responsible for supporting changes brought about by our projects, whether there is a formal Change Management role on the project team or not. While Change Management may not be defined as part of our role, we can choose to lead from within to engage stakeholders and end users to make our projects more successful and less painful. This session will discuss the integrated roles of Project Management and Change Management, how project managers can help lead organizational change, and provide some specific tips and tricks for the PM who wants to lead change.
PMI Talent Triangle: Leadership
Biography: Beth Tanner has spent thirty years learning and growing in the project management and IT fields. She spent the first part of her career in the nonprofit sector, primarily working with membership and professional organizations, and most recently has been working in higher education in various capacities. She has been a PMP since 2011, she has a handful of ITIL certifications and is currently working on her BA certification. She has an MBA, an MS in technology management and BA in Philosophy, which means she thinks a lot about how to make project go more smoothly.