Presentation: Project and change management with gender perspective
Abstract: The objective of this presentation is to provide theoretical and practical concepts necessary to incorporate the gender perspective in project management, whether they are internal to the organizations or have an impact on other beneficiaries.
On the one hand, tools will be provided to incorporate a gender perspective into the Project Management Book of Knowledge processes. This will allow attendees to develop and strengthen knowledge, skills and attitudes to plan, execute and monitor projects taking into account that women, men and members of the LGTB experience different needs, inequalities and barriers considering the gender perspective. Considering the gender perspective in projects will prevent projects from being gender neutral and deepening inequalities.
On the other hand, change management tools will be presented to avoid resistance and add support to these initiatives, including the case of the implementation of equity plans within organizations.
PMI Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management (Ways of Working)
Biography: Paloma Martin is a specialist in Innovation Management. She has been involved for more than fifteen years with diverse NGOs helping children, young people and women, providing them with tools for their development and leadership. With experience, she discovered that building leadership through innovation management to multiply impact is what truly drives her. She found that project management was the most effective way of doing it. For the last seven years she has collaborated with different government agencies, mostly in her area of expertise, implementing and teaching project management tools.
She began to work at different government offices in the city of Buenos Aires and later jumped to the National Chamber of Deputies, where she created the first Project Management Office in a legislative branch in the world. Because of these achievements, the Project Management Institute selected her has to lead the Public Project Community and she provided an institutional space for education, exchange practice, and networking. Through the implementation of project management in the National Chamber, women who did not have formal positions within the organization could become project managers and thus demonstrate their leadership. As part of this leadership, she has devoted herself to empowering future women leaders and candidates by training them project management, and budget elaboration and analysis with a gender perspective.