Supercharge your Presentations with the Power of Storytelling – Greenwald



Every project manager knows they must wield the power of communication to great effect. The manner in which we present our ideas is critically important when interacting with our team, our stakeholders, and our vertical chain. The most effective project managers are masters at crafting project narratives that are compelling and memorable. Data heavy presentations just won’t cut it. The most compelling and memorable presentations include stories.

However, you don’t want to tell a story simply for the sake of telling a story. You must craft it to support your presentation’s overarching message. If you don’t develop your story in the service of a big bold idea, then it will come across as random, weak and confusing. This is the #1 rule of storytelling for PMs.

At the conclusion of my session, you’ll understand:

  • why a personal story will help your audience remember your big bold idea (BBI)
  • where to look for your BBI
  • how to choose a personal story which supports your BBI

PMI Talent Triangle: Power Skills


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