Paper and Presentation 1 of 2: Hybrid Agile: Navigating the New World of Project Management – with Agility!
Abstract: We live in a very interesting time. Compared to just a couple of decades ago, there is much more volatility today in our marketplaces, the level of competition is much greater, and it’s much more difficult for companies to survive. As project managers, we are helping our companies survive in this difficult landscape. We are “agents of change” and “drivers of change.” The most important project management methodology today that will help us deal with this change and this volatility is Agile.
However, no one process or project management methodology fits all situations! Agile is not a panacea for all projects. We argue that many times our projects are large enough and complex enough that some parts of the project are best suited to using a predictive planning approach, and other parts are more suited to using Agile. Therefore, a hybrid approach that mixes the traditional, waterfall approach with Agile is really required in many situations today.
Yet, the Agile community oftentimes has quite a negative view of Hybrid approaches, and key writers on Agile often say that attempting to use hybrid will corrupt all attempts to use Agile, and will result in failure. This session will contend that integrating the approaches can be done if approached the proper way, which is necessary today.
PMI Talent Triangle: Power Skills
Presentation 2 of 2: Virtual Agile Teams: High Performing Virtual Teams
Abstract: In our project management training and through our experience, we learn methods and techniques for efficient and effective Agile project management. How do we use these when our team is not collocated?
Working in a virtual team is now a necessity for many Agile team members, instead of an exception. How can we use the skills we have in project management and working with virtual teams to support high performing virtual agile teams? With this, perhaps you can see the value in applying the skills of Virtual Agile Teams and the tools used for Virtual Agile Project Management.
We know that the preference for Agile projects is to be collocated, but what do we do when that is not possible. This session will provide guidance on how you can use the practices and tools of Agile for a high performing virtual team!
PMI Talent Triangle: Power Skills
Mrs. Parente is a Principal Consultant at S3 Technologies, LLC. Her company’s focus on proactively managing risks, while being Agile and adaptive. S3 Technologies does this by teaming with clients, stakeholders and vendors and using Agile practices and risk management to deliver project successes. Mrs. Parente trains and mentors project managers in the areas of traditional and Agile project management, and risk management. Mrs. Parente has co-authored books on both risk management and agile project management: “Global Hot Spots: How Project and Enterprise Risk Management Practices Drive Business Results Around the World” and recently, “Hybrid Project Management: Using Agile with Traditional PM Methodologies to Succeed on Modern Projects”.