PMI Agile Hybrid Project Pro Micro Certification – O’Connor

Over the past decade, we have seen many examples of products that have failed and, in some cases, forced their organizations into bankruptcy. Think about Kodak, Sears, Blockbuster and Blackberry, just to name a few. Why is this happening? What is causing products to fail at such an alarming rate? And, more importantly, how does this impact project managers and product managers?
New technologies, largely internet based, are enabling development of new products, new business models and globalization.
We hear about the need to transform organizations, increase business agility and build resilience in order to address challenges.

In such dynamic and demanding environments, organizations must have project managers and product managers who work well together. Recognizing this, PMI and PDMA have partnered to find ways to improve how these changemakers can collaborate successfully. Our objective is
to identify and recommend possible solutions that PMI and PDMA can offer to their members and practitioners, allowing project managers and product managers to work together and align.

PMI Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management (Ways of Working)

Thriving in Chaos: Becoming a 10X Product Leader with Lean-Agile Techniques – Johnson

Evaluate Session

Learn how to lead in chaotic times and achieve truly unrivaled success. James Collins and his team at Harvard studied companies that achieved 10X growth in tough economic conditions. As a follow on to “Good to Great,” James Collins describes these companies as being “Great by Choice” because their recipe for success worked in any condition, from startups to disruptive company turnarounds.  The result was a description of what makes a “10X” leader – including fanatical discipline, empirical creativity, productive paranoia, and level 5 ambition.  This presentation explores HOW you can actually implement these behaviors as a Lean-Agile leader to deliver Products that achieve 10X returns.

PMI Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management