Performance Metrics and Indicators for Productive Collaboration in Remote Settings – Fonseca

2:30 pm -3:15 pm

Friday, April 21, 2023

Charles Carroll


Remote project collaboration is the new normal in many organizations as a result of recent events that forced organizations to switch to remote work and experienced operating-cost savings and diversification opportunities. But not all teams or resources perform as expected reason why clear and precise metrics and key performance indicators that could serve as baseline data for projects/teams’ productivity, collaboration and work climate health at a distance. In this paper/session we will explore key metrics, rubrics and KPI’s needed for a reliable, effective, and secure work environment. We will review productivity and data analytic tools that support program and project managers keep track of productivity and flow of collaborations, in support of monitoring and managing project phases, sprints, tasks and work packages, team efficiency, and quality of deliverables. With these metrics, measures for improvement and corrective actions can be applied and managed proactively to prevent them from escalating and hurting project progress, impacting schedule and budget, or even putting the project(s) at risk. Recommendations for metrics and KPI’s framework, data collection, analysis and management are presented and discussed.

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management (Business Acumen)


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