Elevating Student Success through Academic Advising Enterprise Enhancement – Steele, Tsong and Zarate

Executing large-scale organizational changes is difficult, especially in public higher education institutions where many stakeholders often need to arrive at consensus to effect change. California State University, Fullerton (Cal State Fullerton) analyzed different resources that could meet the goals outlined in the CSU system’s GI2025 Initiative, an ambitious plan to increase graduation rates, eliminate equity gaps in degree completion, and meet California’s workforce needs. Through a collaborative process with team members at all levels within the university, it was evident that revitalizing the university’s academic advising enterprise would be a key catalyst of change.

The Cal State Fullerton academic advising project team sought to architect this transformative endeavor leveraging best practices in change and project management. Through a collaborative, iterative process, the project team designed a new academic advising organizational structure to increase student retention, close equity gaps, address staff training inconsistencies, foster advancement opportunities for staff, and create a consistent student experience across seven colleges. Through cross-division collaboration, the academic advising project team partnered with members of the university community to share the importance enterprise level change project to garner interest and support.

Throughout the change management process, the Cal State Fullerton academic advising project team had several touchpoints which influenced the project plan and success of this project. Presentation attendees will discover how the project team identified resources to meet strategic, system level objectives, created a project plan to foster organizational change, and discuss lessons learned should they wish to conduct a similar exercise at their organization.

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management (Business Acumen)

Overcoming Organizational Resistance to Change. How can Leaders Control Culture and Influence Behavior? – Green

Organizations, like everything that exists, are subject to change and just as change will surely happen, resistance to change will also surely occur as resistance to change is natural but also a major barrier to creating an organizational culture that is conducive to change. Consistent with their study, Elgohary, E., & Abdelazyz, R. (2020), employees’ resistance to change has stood as one of the most perplexing problems that an organizing body has.

Organizations and their leaders must develop methods that address overcoming resistance to change through the controlling of their environment through the ability to influence their subordinates and their organizational culture. Amarantou, et. al. (2018) found that when a good relationship exists between leaders and members of the organization, the culture of the organization will support change as members will be more receptive. As detailed by Schulz-Knappe, et. al. (2019), organizational change is a description of the adaptation of organizational strategies and structures to address the shifts in the external forces that impact organizations.

The purpose of this study is to examine organizational resistance to change and grasp an understanding of the obstacles and challenges faced by leaders as they work to overcome resistance through effectively managing change with the control of their organizational culture. Organizations need effective leaders to embark on change implementation as the culture of the organization must be fertile ground in order for the seeds of change to take root, grow, and bear fruit. Schulz-Knappe, et. al. (2019), crucial to the successful implementation of change is the ability to generate a positive perception of change that gets the support of reduction to resistance to change.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of Leaders controlling organizational culture
  • Change and how it creates organizational value
  • Connection of organizational culture and change implementation

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management (Business Acumen)