Supercharge Your PM Power Skills with Authenticity – Greenwald

Every project manager knows that they must wield the power of communication with great effect. After all, according to PMI’s annual global survey, communication is the #1skill that employers are looking for in their project professionals. The way in which we present our ideas is critically important when speaking with our team, our stakeholders and our vertical chain.

There are about a million books published on how to be a more effective public speaker. The topics are sure to include important tips like, the right way to stand, the correct facial expressions, and minimizing your ums and ahs. You certainly will need to master these presentation skills to become a capable communicator. However, your audience isn’t there to count your filler words. They want a PM who they can trust, respect and relate to. And that is all about speaking with the power of authenticity. No book can teach you this key topic because YOU are the author of that yet unwritten manuscript.

The best PMs have learned to engage their audiences with authenticity. They know how to tap into their ‘true impromptu self’. You can too, by learning to recognize and avoid the obstacles which stand in your way. Join me at my seriously fun session as I show you how to supercharge your communication skills with the power of authenticity.

PMI Talent Triangle: Leadership (Power Skills)

You Need a Higher EQ than Your IQ to Succeed!!! – Miller

Research has shown that only 20% of our IQ accounts for the success we have in our lives. So, what is the other 80% comprised of, that will lead our efforts to greater outcomes for all the people we interact with daily? Well, a substantial portion of it will be the level of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) that you develop and use, as often as possible, to impact your projects and the people who are impacted by them internally and externally.

This session is designed for anyone and everyone who wants more success in their projects and collaborations with people while realizing their own intelligence and knowledge they have, may not be enough.

Attendees will learn how a higher EQ will lead to better relationships with all those you meet and interact with throughout their projects. They will understand why emotional strength, which comes from a higher EQ, will lead to less stress in their lives and greater physical health, because our emotional levels that can be managed and controlled in a variety of project situations like meetings, conflicts, vendor relations and so on, will dictate how we feel physically and emotionally.

Finally, we will explore how you can develop your EQ with simple daily practices, which will strengthen and grow your EQ to higher levels than your IQ. Attendees will leave with the knowledge they need to acquire great EQ skills through key focus areas that will be explored and defined. These acquired EQ skills and knowledge will put everyone in attendance on a path to greater project success in their future.

PMI Talent Triangle: Leadership (Power Skills)